MONOVA operates both the Museum of North Vancouver at the Lonsdale Shipyards and the Archives of North Vancouver located in Lynn Valley.
Director – Zoe Mackoff de Miranda
Manager of Business Operations – Pamela Roberts
Archivist – Rebecca Pasch
Curator – Andrea Terrón
Education and Programs – Carol Ballard
Indigenous Programs – Tsawaysia Spukwus (Alice Guss) and Jordan Dawson
Communications & Marketing – Matt Ostrehan
Reference Historian – Georgia Twiss
Venue Rentals Liaison – Rosie Aceves
Guest Services – Christopher Gauthier and Carol Hyslop
Friends Society Membership – Roxanne McGregor
Volunteer Coordinator – Andrew Hildred
The MONOVA volunteer program welcomes new volunteers.
Our mission-based volunteer program is designed to engage a diverse group of motivated and enthusiastic volunteers in a collaborative work environment.
MONOVA’s is seeking a talented Fundraising & Grants Coordinator to join our team at an exciting stage in our growth as we approach our 5th year at our new site in The Shipyards district of North Vancouver.
Hours: Full-time (35hrs per week) | 1-year contract
Compensation: $40 per hour
Location: Office based, with hybrid options available.
Reports to: Pamela Roberts, Manager of Business Operations
Position will remain open until filled. Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and résumé by e-mail to MonovaHR@monova.ca
We are seeking a talented individual to join the programs team and help realize MONOVA’s vision to inspire belonging and community connection across the diverse voices and histories of North Vancouver.
Hours: Variable hours including occasional weekend and evening shifts
Compensation: $31.97 per hour
Reports to: Pamela Roberts, Manager of Business Operations
Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and résumé by Feb 14 to MonovaHR@monova.ca
MONOVA receives operating support from the City of North Vancouver, the District of North Vancouver, and the Government of British Columbia through the BC Arts Council.
Additional funding is regularly received from other sources such as the Government of Canada Department of Canadian Heritage, and individuals, families, foundations and companies.
We rely on annual contributions to help the Museum and Archives safeguard and expand our community’s archival and museum collections, build learning experiences and inspire future generations.
Your generous support, either through a monthly or a one-time gift is essential to providing the Museum and Archives with a solid financial footing so we can continue to explore history, connect people, and share ideas into the future.
Friends of the North Vancouver Museum & Archives Society Registered Charity No. 89031 1772 RR0001
Operated under the auspices of both the City and the District of North Vancouver, the Commission plays a governance and fiduciary role, providing strategic direction to the organization.
We are actively recruiting for a new Commissioner residing in the District of North Vancouver – read about the role and how to apply here:
City of North Vancouver appointed:
Sheryl Rivers Adrian Dyck Councillor Don Bell
District of North Vancouver appointed:
Sandra White Brian Burtch – Vice Chair Jason Milne Alicia Peters Councillor Jordan BackJennifer Pantel – Friends Appointee
Zoe Mackoff de Miranda – DirectorBecoming a community hub means asking a wide range of people what they want and need from their Museum and Archives. It also means having a deep knowledge of cultural spaces and offerings already available in our community, and knowing how we can magnify these with our own activities.
Representing years of visioning, self-scrutiny and consultation with stakeholders and our wider community, MONOVA’s 2020-2023 Strategic Plan is now available.
Read more about the making of the strategic plan.