Flowers in the Mountains: A Community Description Project

From Fire to Ice: The Charles Heaney Photograph Collection

The Pathway of a Donation: The Chatwin Family Fonds

Skis upon Seymour’s Slopes: Mapping Mount Seymour

Alpine Snaps: Flipping through Neal Carter’s Photography Albums
Home Movie Day comes to North Vancouver
Get Zooming with these Archival Backgrounds from the NVMA
f you’re anything like us, you’ve been spending a lot of time on Zoom lately. Usage of this popular teleconferencing platform has exploded in recent weeks, as the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many of us to work from home and connect to friends, family and colleagues virtually.
In our weekly team meetings here at the NVMA, we’ve been having a lot of fun with our Zoom backgrounds. This got us thinking that it might be fun to provide some North Vancouver history and heritage themed Zoom backgrounds for our friends, supporters and community at large.
Launching the Jack Cash Exhibition
In March 2019 the Archives started preparing for an exhibition on prominent North Vancouver photographer, Jack Cash. He was born in 1918 to Gwen Cash, the first woman general reporter in Canada, and had big shoes to fill. Instead of words, Jack used images to tell stories.
The archival photographs, logbooks, cameras, and ephemera included in the Jack Cash exhibition are part of a larger donation to the Archives by Cash's son, Derek Cash. The Archives has worked closely with Derek Cash to prepare the exhibit at the Community History Centre in Lynn Valley.
In March 2020, the temporary closure of the Archives presented an opportunity to digitize parts of the exhibition and launch it online! We are excited to expand the reach of this exhibition and to have it included as part of the Capture Festival online events.