I place $400.00 in Bank of Montreal.
Biddy & Buster meet me in town at 12 noon. Have lunch at Café Wisteria. I buy Harmsworth Encyclopedia for $8.00 at Second Hand Store, Richard St.
To Lynn Valley at 2 pm. Hospital at 11 pm.
Walter Draycott’s Great War Chronicle
North Vancouver Museum & Archives
I place $400.00 in Bank of Montreal.
Biddy & Buster meet me in town at 12 noon. Have lunch at Café Wisteria. I buy Harmsworth Encyclopedia for $8.00 at Second Hand Store, Richard St.
To Lynn Valley at 2 pm. Hospital at 11 pm.
– fine
Leave home @ 7 am for Hospl. arr. Hosp’ @ 8.45 am. Interviewed by doctor @ 11 am. Ring up Mr. Birstall & cancel lunch invitation. Called on him at 11.30 & had lunch. Hand him the photos of war interest. To Lynn Valley. Doing work on home. To Nye’s in evening. Jack Nye better. Met a Miss Harrison a school teacher & friend of Mrs. Nye’s. Leave home at 9.30 pm arr Hospl. 11 pm.
– rain
Had tooth extracted in morning. Left hospl. @ 1 pm.
I get leave of absence to go home for weekend. I call @ Lotus Hotel to see Jack [Prius], & after to see Mr. Birstall re his publication. I call @ Jack Nye’s on way home to Lynn Valley. Look over my collection of Intelligence work.
Got leave to go home to Lynn Valley from noon till 12 […… .]. Left Hospl. @ 9.30 am. Met Biddy in Vancouver & did shopping. To Lynn Valley @ 3 pm. Mrs. Haswell calls @ 4 pm. Return to Hospl. @ 12 midnight.
–– rain
Mrs. B. Smith & Eileen come to live at my home in Lynn Valley. We visit Mrs. Haswell’’ s in afternoon & have tea. To Neate’’ s in evening with Eileen. Stay till 11 pm.
– rain
Biddy, Buster & I leave for Lynn Valley. We call @ Nye’s, Haswell’s & them home to my place. See them off by car, but not before showing them some of the sights of Lynn Valley. To Haswell’s at night showing more of my curiosities & chatting.
Mrs Graham goes to meet Mrs & Charles Graham @ Grand Trunk Pacific Wharf 6:30 pm
Mrs F Graham stays in Vancouver at the Hotel Strathcona
British Cruiser “Undaunted” sinks 4 German Destroyers off Dutch Coast.
Left Lynn Valley for Vancouver at 4 pm. After calling for Mrs Graham at Haswell’s Mrs Graham gets a telegram from Charles & Mrs F Graham saying they will arrive on “Prince George” at Vancouver 6:30 pm. Mrs Graham, Charles Theobald & self go to the theatre 5 pm till 6:15 pm. Home at 8:30 pm.
*The Battle of Texel – A British Light Cruiser, the HMS Undaunted and 4 destroyers encountered a flotilla of 4 German Torpedo boats off the Dutch Island of Texel. The German ships were on their way to mine British shipping lanes. The British squadron was able to destroy the entire German Flotilla, and took very little damage in the process.
Heavy rain all day
No work
Our men are fighting in rainstorms & in trenches half full of water. The Germans are still holding our Allies at bay. I send $4.50 to Sir [Hiram’s] Laboratory.
To a meeting of the North Vancouver Home Guard at Larson’s] Pavilion. I spoke twice regarding Lynn Valley Company. I get my family tree from Ruth & bring it home to Lynn Valley.
*possibly Sir Hiram Maxim, inventor of the Maxim gun.
Raining hard. Slight earthquake struck at 8:25 am
At 7:30 pm I go to the Public School Ground with Mr. Purdie. Instruct the members of Lynn Valley Home Guard in Military Drills. At 8:40 pm to St. Clements Church to attend choir. Hugh Neill called in evening.
At work on Keith Road School.
A meeting of Lynn Valley Ratepayers is called to inaugurate a Civic Guard. A National Defense Guard is formed & Mr. Purdy is the Commander
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