Unlocking North Vancouver History

Moodyville: Legend and Legacy


Smoking cigars and pipes was evidently a manly pastime at Moodyville, judging by this casual and rather jovial shot of a group of mill employees and visitors. The men are seated in front of stacks of lumber ready for shipping; visible in the background are a cedar-shake roof, the cookhouse with its bell tower, and a house facing onto the ironically named Maiden Lane (presumably home to prostitutes). Seated from left to right are George Armstrong (profession unclear), tallyman E. Lunn, office staffer Richard Flood, alderman Capt. Donald, Capt. F. M. York and foreman Henry Ramsdall; standing behind is Capt. E. A. Swift. White-clay pipes of the type the men are puffing on were excavated near this site in 1997. Smoking in a highly flammable lumberyard presumably did not cause anyone much concern at the time.

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Various men associated with the Moodyville mill pose for a smoke break while they whittle pieces of wood. Even the dog is working on a piece of wood.

The men are sitting on the dock at the Moodyville mill. They must have brought their factory-made chairs down with them for the occasion.

This photo was taken sometime between 1888 and 1890.

In an 1889 provincial directory of Moodyville inhabitants, Henry Ramsdall is listed as a fireman. In this photo, he is a foreman. By 1891 J. H. Ramsdall is listed as superintendent

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