Moodyville Hotel
Established in 1882, the Moodyville Hotel was a two-storey wood-frame building with a wraparound balcony that accommodated visiting sailors and new migrants. According to an 1888 issue of the San Francisco Journal of Commerce, it deserved the following special mention:
“The excellent manager, Capt. Power, fills a difficult position with credit to himself, with great satisfaction to the company, and in a manner to win unbounded popularity with the mixed company surrounding him … The company do [sic] not “run” this hotel there for what it can make of it, but simply to supply a want. The hotel is well furnished and well appointed and the cook is all that can be desired. Capt. Power, moreover, sees to it that his guests are made to feel contented in a manner that only a genial man of the world, who himself knows “what’s what,” can do.”
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This photo of the Moodyville Hotel shows that it was a well-run establishment for a frontier town. Note the bottles visible through the window.
The hotel was built next to the mill on pilings sunk into three feet (a metre) of sawdust infill, like much of the rest of the community.
This photo is from 1900. The hotel continued to operate long after the Moodyville mill closed in 1901.
Initial hotel proprietor William Power had been active in the gold rush. A land investor, he also accumulated properties that became part of the city of North Vancouver.
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