Unlocking North Vancouver History

Wilderness on the Doorstep: Vancouver’s Mountain Playground

Canyon View Hotel Creamer

Pete Larson’s Canyon View Hotel aspired to a wealthy clientele that preferred civilized comforts in a wilderness setting–not every hotelier, after all, invested in personalized china! After moving to North Vancouver in 1901, the Swedish immigrant had opened the Hotel North Vancouver on Esplanade, which became a social centre hosting concerts, dances and political meetings. Recognizing the increasing resort appeal of the Capilano Canyon, Larson built the Canyon View Hotel in 1909, but it was never a very successful venture. Prohibition was a blow in 1915 (the competing Hotel Capilano had shut down by the late ’20s). By the Depression, Larson had sold the ailing hotel. It later became a school for girls, and after being used as a bunkhouse during the construction of the Second Canyon’s Cleveland Dam, was torn down in 1952.

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This creamer was used at the Canyon View Hotel. It was decorated with a picture of the hotel that was also reproduced on postcards.

The china was likely made in England and shipped to British Columbia. At this time, virtually all manufactured goods came to the colony from the motherland.

This creamer dates to 1910, the hotel’s second year of operation.

Hotel owner Pete Larson, originally a Swedish sailor, jumped ship after bringing in supplies for the Canadian Pacific Railway.

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