Still no church on a/c of influenza scare & epidemic. 6,000 deaths in New York. Seattle is in bad shape with influenze epidemic.
Sunday 20 October 1918
No church services in Vancouver or elsewhere on a/c of influenza. Left Lynn V. @ 1.45 pm for a visit to Mrs. Plummer (Al) 15 Ave, West, Vanc. Have spendid time. Many invitations to visit . Arr. home at 10 pm.
Saturday 19 September 1914
Rain all morning. No work
I leave early for Burnaby & arrive at Ruth’s at 12 noon. At 12:25 noon to Wagstaffe’s. Mrs Wagstaffe is ill with grippe. I to Mrs Wagstaffe’s with Mabel & to theatre also. Back home at 6 pm.
No change in the position of the Germans.
Stayed all night at Wagstaffe’s
*Grippe – Influenza