Nothing unusual.
Lots of work in office map drawing and taking stock.
Russians make their total captures up to 106,000 & all Austrians.
Wilson goes on pass to England. Our positions at Observatory Ridge have been taken back by 13 & 58th Battns.
Thursday 5 August 1915 – shower
Working at Canadian Ordnance Corps.
Warsaw taken by the Germans. Russians evacuated it and only destroyed the 3 bridges over the Vistula. Lublin in Poland taken by the Austrians
*The Great Retreat – The buildup of forces from the Central Powers on the eastern front was very effective at pushing the Russian’s back during the summer of 1915. Germans started their offensive in June of 1915 and gained ground in Poland through must of June and July of that year. On August 4th /5th German troops took Warsaw and Russian troops quickly retreated further east. This retreat caused Tsar Nicholas II to dismiss Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich as leader of the war effort and to take control of the military directly.
Tuesday 8 September 1914 – raining all day
Charles goes to North Vancouver 1 pm. Back at 5 pm
I have had attack of hay fever.
The German advance is halted & forced to retire 10 miles. The Austrians are being very badly beaten. Their losses are enormous.
Tuesday 25 August 1914 – fine & warm
Working on Keith Road School. Receive letter from Mrs. Graham.
British troops are now engaged fighting the Germans at Namur Belgium & have heavy losses. The French also lose heavily. The Austrians lose 15,000 killed & 30,000 wounded in one battle.
At Neat’s during the evening.