Finishing off the Verandah in morning. John Neats calls at 4 pm. I go to Church with John Neat in evening. Congregation are very reticent, cold & distant. An unsociable lot. At 9 pm to Neat’s Residence & stayed till 10:15 pm.
Tuesday 21 July 1914 – very hot
Working on Keith Road. Charles is still out of work. In evening I do a little finishing off the Verandah of my first house. I have over a hundred cabbages planted and all doing well. Had new potatoes for over a fortnight. Flowers blooming for a month.
Tuesday 14 July 1914 – rain
No work. Raining hard. I work on completion of my Verandah. Write letters to Mrs. Graham, Harry & Elizabeth Draycott of Alton. Charles is laid off work.
Tuesday 7 July 1914 – very hot
Putting on Verandah to my house. To church in evening & assist Mrs. Arnott. Freddie Welsh beat Richie in Light Weight Championship of World (20 rounds)
* Frederick Hall Thomas fought Willie Ritchie to be named the Lightweight Boxing Champion of the World. The fight originally was supposed to take place in Vancouver in September of 1914 but was moved to London, England.